I want to take a moment to talk about dogs and babies.
I cringe when I see “cute” pictures of dogs and babies curled up with captions saying how much the dog loves the baby.
While in some cases this may be true, it is best to err on the side of caution when it comes to toddlers, infants and dogs. We can’t ever know exactly how a dog is feeling or what they are thinking. Even professionals can only really make educational guesses. NO ONE knows for certain.
I hear stories about how the dog and baby were fine, but then, the baby needed 5 staples. I hear stories how the dog never showed any signs of aggression until, and then, the baby needed stitches.
Dogs need management, structure and guidance every minute of every day. Even my own dog is not to be trusted with my son. I respect her space and advocate. I tell her what I expect from her, but of course, she is a dog who will make decisions that sometimes even the best training cannot foolproof.
We owe it to our babies, and our dogs, to do right by them. Teach babies how to interact and teach dogs, but please, do not let your children sit on, cuddle, pull at, chase, grab tails, scream at, or stare at your dog. You never know when your dog might say, “This is it. I’ve had enough.” When that happens, your child pays and the dog gets put down, a lose-lose situation that is not worth the risk.